Study Reveals How to Reprogram Cells in Our Immune System

Our immune system is calibrated to provide us with specific protection shields against harmful diseases, and other conditions too. On being influenced by the excessive active cells and intruder cells, interfering with its physical functions, our immune system is more likely to lose its strength to fight diseases, and as a result it causes a range of autoimmune diseases or different types of leukemia.

Immune cells mostly referred to as T cells can reverse the effects of these defective cells and reinstate the balance through a reprogram technique. With a reprogram technique manipulating the performances of certain immune cells, we can remain unaffected to the prevalence of different diseases, including cancers and psoriasis. This also fosters the development of new treatment options.

This is how the scientists at the Gladstone Institute have expressed about their latest findings. A renowned journal Nature has published about this metabolic mechanism in an elaborate way.

How Much Effective Is the Whole Method Of Reprogramming T Cells?

The whole method of manipulating T cells or immune cells, advocates for the reduction of anti-inflammatory reactions, developed in the immune system through pro-inflammatory genes. So, the inflammation causing factors in the immune system could be curtailed using this modification theory.

On the basis of the findings, there are two types of cells termed as Effector T cells and Regulatory T cells. These two cells play a key role in regulating our whole immune system. The Effector T cells build a shield against the pathogens so as to protect us from the vulnerability to infections, once the immune system gets charged up. The Regulatory T cells on the other hand, restrict further attacks of the pathogens to the healthy parts of our body.

With Regulatory T cells being converted into Effector T cells under the influence of reprogramming technique, a molecule drug appears to be a great precursor in the whole process. So, this method seems to be effective in converting one cell into another cell type.

The conversion methods show promise to find the etiology of the disease, especially auto-immune diseases, making it possible to eradicate the diseases from its root. Say, when effector T cells are charged up excessively in the body in the presence of autoimmune disease, the T cells expose the body to harmful effects. But by converting these Regulatory T cells, the balance of the immune system can be reinstated, followed by the reduction of hyperactivity.

Treatment for Immune-Oncology

Another way, the study is intensifying our hopes against the deadly effects of cancers and tumor related disorders. We can achieve a better outcome for immune-oncology and cancer treatments. The process is ineffective in influencing the cancer cells though; it defies its attacks on the activation of the immune system.

Since cancer cells seem to be stronger to influence Regulatory T cells, they make a room in the immune system for the growth, and hence, the detection becomes quite tough. But, the findings could help us in detecting cancerous cells and destroying them by strengthening the immune system through a conversion of Effector T cells from Regulatory T cells.

More Scopes for Stem Cell Therapies

It also brings a revolutionary milestone for stem cell therapies. With the development of Regulatory T cells, we could reverse the effects of graft-versus-host-disease, and also make our body adjust to the newly-transplanted cells.

With a reprogram technology for immune system, we could defend ourselves from a range of diseases, once which were termed as unavoidable medical cases. Hence, we can live our dream to make a disease-free world in the future.

Scientists Claim First CRISPR Editing of Human Embryos in the USA

With CRISPR technology editing the DNA code of human embryo, can we hold our breath for an absolute eradication of inherited disorders like Thalassemia and similar conditions? The answer is still unclear as there is no such publication about the claims on decoding the DNA with CRISP editing technology. As per the MIT Technology Review, the research team led by Shoukhrat Mitalipov at Oregon Health and Science University has been successful in an effort to edit the genes of human embryo using CRISPR editing technology for the first time.

Gene editing has been a controversial practice, but still we had earlier seen three such efforts involving human embryo editing in China.

You can call it genetically modified human embryos or improved embryos sans defective cells with mutations responsible for inherited diseases. Even if DNA editing is controversial, it contributes to the elimination of hereditary illnesses.

Advantages of CRISPR Editing Technology

The genetic manipulation using the CRISPR editing technology in the human embryos seems viable and an effective way to remove defects from the genes, and combat thousands of diseases. The technology uses molecular scissors to influence the performance of the gene sequencing. And as a result, it can eliminate the undesirable components from it. Hence, it paves the way for the replacement of new and improved DNA with the faulty genes.

The claim also raises hopes for families with concerns for the genetic diseases, as it is capable of preventing the further spread of the deadly disorders like malaria in the body.

There is another way for which the finding holds a true and promising possibility for our future generation as well. By editing the gene sequencing in the human embryos, we can expect the "human germline editing". This means when the editing technology will instill embryos of offspring with new mutated cells, the characteristics and features of the edited DNAs will be carried through offspring after offspring. So, the germline gets fixed permanently in each successive generation and follows a hereditary pattern of a family.

With the new CRISPR editing technology, we have no more editing errors known as "mosaicism" as was the case with earlier Chinese experiments. And the desired improvement technique is thought to be followed not only by some, but all the cells in the embryo.

Contradictory Opinion about The Claims

Some critics argue that we absolutely do not need such technology to detect deformities in human embryos and correct them with CRISPR editing technology. That's because the efficacy of the technology is deemed unfit as it is unable to perform as expected if two copies of defective genes are present in the embryos.

On the other hand, we already have preimplantation diagnosis technology or OPD to detect disease causing cells in the embryos. And by using this technique, the faulty genes can be replaced through in vitro fertilization.


The techniques seem to violate the rule of natures as it advocates for the creation of the designer babies. Rather than editing the disease causing genes, the technique is more likely to foster the enhancement techniques, meaning future parents would seek editing techniques to remove imperfections in their children. And we fear that this approach would lead to a genetic discrimination.

However, if the claims are true, we can free ourselves from a range of diseases, including anemia, Huntington's disease and other genetic diseases through gene modifications. So, let's keep our fingers crossed for a true future possibility.

Learn to Relax and Have Fun Playtime Outdoors

Connect with nature and get your regular dose of natural stress relief while you're at it! This we should memorize as a daily mantra.

I talk a lot about getting outdoors to move, do your exercise and have fun while you are at it. Most of us don't follow my advice, sometimes (because of work); I don't follow my own advice. But I try damn hard to, because I know how much better it makes me feel.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is not just about eating healthy food (if you know what that is) and working out all the time. It's about being aware of your life and moments throughout your day, and it's about taking time for you, relaxing, doing fun things alone or with family and friends. The more time you spend focusing on your inner well being and the more you look after you, the better you are going to feel. This will result in a more "productive you" at work and a more "fun you" to be around. People who don't get out, just stare at a screen all day and night, nor make an effort on weekends to break the mould and do something different, are mostly bitter people who think they have all the cards stacked against them and things are unfair. Well, they don't at all; they stack them that way with their own self-destructive behaviour. Get out and make an effort!

As a Health Coach with my own story of recovery from depression and being overweight, I can really attest to this being a major factor in the process of getting well again and finding that healthy lifestyle, for real.

Many of us think we are healthy, maybe because you hit the gym every day, or think you eat loads of salad. Not so fast, too much hard exercise actually harms your overall health and well being. What we need is a good dose of balance with everything we do.

But first we need to draw up a menu of everything we "should" be doing and check it daily and weekly to make sure are doing it right.

That menu should include:

Eat well (and I mean follow the keto diet to become ketogenic). This will in itself become a lifestyle habit for you that you will not want to break. Once you learn how to achieve this and get there, it's the most amazing feeling.
Workouts and Fitness Routines need to be carefully coordinated so that you do not over exercise, as so many people do everyday worldwide. Your whole body fitness program may need a total adjustment.
Set up an "efficient" cardio and weight training program, but do not over exercise.
Schedule alone time in your calendar for reading and meditating.
Schedule Play and Fun time alone or with friends and family.
Make sure you breath take note of what's going on during your day while you are living it, or you may just miss it and become automated. This is MINDFULNESS; we need to adopt a mindful mind. This will help you take more enjoyment out of any given situation and deal with difficult ones more effectively.
That said, as a Health and Fitness Coach this is how I spend my weekend beach time, because I just don't like to sit still for too long. After 30 minutes of sunbathing and reading I get antsy, so I decided to have some fun and create a simple and fun beach workout. Nothing much to it, but it will keep you true to your primal health coaching program movement plan for the day and you will have fun while at it. You could just go for a swim, but that would be boring...
Move intuitively and be creative. Take any and every opportunity you come across for this type of thing. Believe me, these moments happen a lot but are often lost as we are too busy thinking about what's next.

Common Signs You Are Nutrient Deficient

It is a well-known fact that a healthy diet supplies energy to the body and provides the necessary ingredients for cells to develop. Nutrient deficiencies can have an adverse effect on your day-to-day activities but if you are very watchful enough, you will see some signs that will clearly tell you that you are running low on nutrients. Here are some of them.

Pale Complexion

If your skin is unusually pale, it means that there is an iron deficiency in your body. Iron deficiency makes your red blood cells to be fewer, tinier and with diminished haemoglobin and this makes them to lose their red colour. The anaemic skin is apparent on the inner layer of your eyelids as well as mucus membrane, e.g. the tissues in your mouth. You can boost your iron level by taking foods rich in iron like spinach, beef, lentils and iron-fortified cereals.

Dry, Dehydrated Skin

Dry skin is very common in winter, but if your skin is drier than usual, it may be due to lack of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega-3s aid in nourishing the lipid barrier of your skin, which is responsible for keeping harmful germs as well as toxins out and vital moisture in. When there is an insufficient omega-3 fatty acid in your diet, your skin will lose moisture and this can lead to unpalatable scaly texture. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid include sardines, salmon, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts and so on.

Cracked and Sore Lips

When your lips are cracked beyond normal, it may be the sign of lack of riboflavin in your diet. If your diet lacks riboflavin, it can lead to cracking of the corners of your mouth and dryness of your lips. You may also notice a puffed, dark red tongue and an inflamed mouth. If it is not treated in time, it can lead to nerve damage which will eventually cause the tingling of your toes and fingers. Foods rich in riboflavin are broccoli, salmon, almond, eggs, etc.

Bleeding Gums

Frequent and excessive bleeding of the gums is an indication that there is a vitamin K deficiency in your diet. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and this aids in stopping bleeding after a cut as well as forestalling uncontrolled bleeding from delicate tissues such as your gums. You can get a lot of vitamin K into your diet by taking plenty of dark, leafy and green vegetables.